How do I use the [urlsid=] bbcode?

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How do I use the [urlsid=] bbcode?

Postby MedicineStorm » Fri Sep 25, 2009 3:28 pm

urlsid is a custom bullitin board code (bbcode) similar to the [url]URL[/url] bbcode or the bold bbcode. urlsid is for web addresses within project utumno. It is designed to be easier to read (it automatically underlines the link) and it preserves your login.

To use urlsid, just click the urlsid= button:
the "urlsid" bbcode quick-button
urlsid.JPG (7.04 KiB) Viewed 5378 times

or type [urlsid=
after the "=" add the address you want to link to. For example, the url to the Game Client seciton of the download area is ... GameClient
so you would type:
which looks like this when another user sees it:

the "sid=432e830c16d4ef5bf2937d72839d9341" is your login credentials, so you don't really need that part since it wont be the same for anybody else, Buuuuuuuut you can leave it in if you want. it gets removed by urlsid anyway.

the "get the game client!" text between the "address]" and "[/urlsid" is the text that appears in the link, it can be the same as the address if you want:

Notice in the above example that the address doesn't have the "" portion. In it's place are "../.."
This is called a relative path. the address is based on whatever address you are at now. Right now the address is "", so from here, the way to get to "" is to go back one folder (http;// then go back another folder (http;//, then go to index.php (http;//, then add all the extra stuff

The "../" means "go back one folder". Since we want to go back two folders, we use "../../index.php" to get to index.php two folders back from here. If you have the fully qualified url (with the http:// at the beginning) that will work. If you just use the relative path (with the "../") that will also work.

The most important part of the urlsid bbcode is that it when going from the main page to the archive to the forum, etc. The user will not have to log in again just to download the file that you were linking to. The user's sid (the login credential) are automatically added to the address as soon as they click the link!
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