Using bad things for good and good things for bad.

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Using bad things for good and good things for bad.

Postby Argitoth » Fri Jul 24, 2009 5:21 pm

This is something I've never seen in a game other than pen and paper Dungeons and Dragons and Magic The Gathering cards. For the love of cheese, why isn't this implemented in modern games? Here's what I'm talking about:

If you've played Utumno, you know there are cursed rings of teleportation. I actually love those; they've saved my butt many times over. Out of mana? Out of health? Put on a cursed (or uncursed) ring of teleportation and hope it teleports you to a safer location.

Here are some other ideas:

-Found a slimey red potion? Might be poison, don't drink it, but you can probably add poison to your weapons... be careful with that stuff though!

-Found a hazy yellow potion? That might be poison too, try adding it to your weapons! Oh no! That's not poison, that's a potion of cure light wounds, you just lowered the effectiveness of your weapon. Oh, but undead don't generally like healing spells, do they?

-Did you just eat a mushroom of blindness and deafness? Good thing, because that illusionist is casting some horrible illusions spells; hope you have some skill in blind fighting.

-Did you just read a scroll of "ixak lito reliz"? That's a scroll of darkness! Better drink your last infra-vision potion and finish off the hill giant while you have the advantage of the cover of darkness.

-You are being controlled against your will to attack your friends, quick, drink a potion of paralyzation! Your friends are strong-willed and won't be controlled as easily.

...and so much more.
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Re: Using bad things for good and good things for bad.

Postby Ventor24 » Sat Jul 25, 2009 9:30 am

Hey! That wiuld be an AWESOME way of doing things I love it!

You're right, you don't see that in normal games.....Two Thumbs Up from me!
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Re: Using bad things for good and good things for bad.

Postby MedicineStorm » Sun Jul 26, 2009 6:45 pm

That is such a great idea. I think the more we can do stuff like that, the better. Wise or creative players will see the benefit of applying items strategicly.
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Re: Using bad things for good and good things for bad.

Postby fictionfan42 » Fri Sep 11, 2015 2:35 pm

The ring of desperate escape for when anywhere is better then here!
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