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Postby Jtan » Wed Apr 22, 2009 10:46 pm

Hello fellow game lovers. My name is JTan, I'm a creative writing major at the UofA and I was introduced to this website by my friend Josh. Not exactly sure what his username is on this website, but he's the one who gave me the URL. Anyway, he told me that you guys are in search of ideas for an overall plot to your video game. I've been interested for some time now in learning about the video game industry and would love to be involved on some level with this game. Now, I'm not here to say I have a wealth of experience and believe myself to be the answer to your plot dreams or anything like that. While I don't have much knowledge about the business side of developing, producing, and especially programming video games, I have been playing them all my life so I'm not totally clueless. With that said though, I don't believe myself completely unable to contribute anything to this game, at least not yet lol. At the very least I could simply be another mind with a different perspective on things to bounce ideas off of. Just to give you a little more technical information about myself. I'm 21 years old, as I said before I'm a creative writing major with a Japanese minor, at the UofA, I've loved video games and Anime since forever and love discussing them, love long walks on the beach, and easy to get along with. Ok, maybe that sounded a little E-harmony but hey I can't lie and say I'm not interested in being involved with this project. Anyway, hope I can gain some more access to the site so I can start reading and talking about what you guys have so far, and I hope to talk and meet all of you in the near future.
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Re: Hi

Postby Ventor24 » Thu Apr 23, 2009 11:03 am

Hey JTan, Nice to meet you. Well I haven't really met you, but anyways. Well I think that I may know who you are.......(Maybe). I might have met you when I was with MrSchaa. I am his little brother. Well I am glad that you took the time to look us up and become involved with our program. I personally would like to hear your spin on our storyline,(or lack there of). We are still debating and deciding on our storyline. We have some ideas, but the more ideas the BETTER! I am all for ANY ideas. The one we have now is very good, but people seem to be sitting idle on adding ideas on.(Myself included). I would love more input on anything and everything!

Well I hope to get to see more of your posts in the future!! Thanks!
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Re: Hi

Postby MedicineStorm » Thu Apr 23, 2009 12:24 pm

I blocked last names from being used because this section of the forum is open to the public. Spammers like to scout for peoples names. If you wish to use your full name after this, that is fine. I won't block them. Just wanted to give you a heads up before you got spammed.

As Ventor said, Welcome! I think the only one here who can claim to have made a game that "went gold" is IanG. Pretty much none of us have any real industry experience in making games, but playing them counts for a lot. As far as the commercial game industry goes, it will help you immensly to have this project on your resume when you are trying to break into that field. If you have a Gold title (product released to the public for widespread use) under your belt, you will get hired 5 times faster.

What we are looking for is creative talent. bouncing ideas off of one another is exactly what we do. The more creativity we have, the better this game will get.

The basic premise of the game can be seen on the $2. To get a better idea of the genre of this project, I recommend downloading and playing a few of the free games listed under the Inspiration area of the $2 section.

Let us know what you think of those.

Some other games that inspired us to start this project are Final Fantasy III / VI, Chrono Trigger, and the Zelda series. However, these games are only available to download for ranking members due to licensing restrictions.

P.S. Your friend's handle is MrSchaa
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Re: Hi

Postby Jtan » Thu Apr 23, 2009 6:36 pm

Well it's nice to meet you guys. I appreciate the friendly welcome. Thank you for removing my full name. I'll make sure to be more careful in the future, I have enough spam sent to me as it is lol. I'll be sure to look through the sections of the website that you have suggested and am already fairly familiar with some of the games you were inspired by, mainly final fantasy. I'll admit that since I am 21 I grew up starting with Final Fantasy 7 and 8, 8 being my all time favorite, bring it on naysayers lol, but I know the basis for the earlier games. I haven't played any demo maps but I did take a look at the screen shots of some of the maps you have already created and I was immediately struck by a similarity to a PC game series called Heroes of Might and Magic. Just so that I don't accidentally step on anybodies ego or anything I just want to make it clear that if I bring up other game titles that I am reminded of while discussing or playing this game I don't mean anything by it. What I mean to say is that don't take the fact that if I notice any similarities that I'm saying "Oh well you guys just copied that Psah." Anyway, with all that said I am looking really forward to chatting and tossing around ideas with you guys.
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Re: Hi

Postby MedicineStorm » Fri Apr 24, 2009 8:18 am

Heroes of might and magic! yea! The world took a moment of silence when 3DO died. We mention games like that all the time. Our goal is not to copy those games, but we do want to have the parts of our favorite games in this project. Some more of my personal inspirations for this project: Might & Magic 6, 7, 8, and 9. Heroes of Might & Magic 2 & 3. Guild Wars. I haven't really played World of Warcraft enough to include it as my inspiration, but other memebers have referred to it several times.

Worry not about stepping on toes. Referring to similar games gives us all context on what each other is talking about.

I couldn't naysay FFVIII because I haven't really played it, but Talon, IanG, Whiligo, and possibly Bigkahoonaberger have all played it. I understand it has some features we may find desireable in our game. Guys? Back me up on this.
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Re: Hi

Postby Jtan » Tue Apr 28, 2009 1:19 am

couldn't naysay FFVIII because I haven't really played it, but Talon, IanG, Whiligo, and possibly Bigkahoonaberger have all played it. I understand it has some features we may find desireable in our game. Guys? Back me up on this.

Haha, well I can almost guarantee whether they liked it or not they would not suggest of adding the "Draw" system into the game lol. That was a major aspect of the game that turned a lot of people away from FFVIII. Just so that you're not in the dark I'll try to explain. In FFVIII you could use "GF's" or "Guardian Forces" (think "Espers") as summons, and you could also "Junction" them to your heroes to give them stat boosts and other effects. A different feature that the "GF's" added after junctioning them to a character was the fact that you could basically equip "Magic" to your characters spells to give them even more bonuses. Well, in order to collect this magic you had to "Draw" it out of the monsters you fight. Now, when the max amount of any 1 spell you can have is 100, and the MAX amount you could draw out of an enemy at any time was 9, that meant a lot of boring farming. For the people like me who didn't really let the whole system get in the way of what I believe was an amazing story line, we just never used the magic once we collected 100 and moved on. For those that actually wished to use that entire portion of the game, well, the system wasn't really nice to them lol.

Hard concept to explain, so I hope I did a decent enough job lol. All that you really need to know is laugh when the "Draw" system comes up in FFVIII related conversations lol./div>
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Re: Hi

Postby Whiligo » Fri May 01, 2009 6:35 pm

Yeah the draw system was hmm. I think I would have like FFVIII if I had gotten into it. I know Talon really loved that game. It had great music too. (I always notice music)

Yay for U of A!

Welcome and stuff. Have fun here. Hopefully this game will end up being a great thing to put in all of our portfolios. Or at least enjoyable to play.
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Re: Hi

Postby Ventor24 » Sun May 03, 2009 7:33 pm

Yeah, we all love new ideas, and concepts to toss around a bit. Any new Ideas will be GREAT. You did a great job explaining about the drawing thing. I for one have never played any of the games mentioned by you guys. I just play boring games like Guild Wars and WOW(World of Warcraft). I don't play WOW anymore, and Guild Wars is NOT boring. I play some other games, but most of you guys don't play them.

ight & Magic 6, 7, 8, and 9. Heroes of Might & Magic 2 & 3. Guild Wars.
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