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PostPosted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 10:37 pm
by CharlieCat
:mrgreen: How many levels do you plan on having? How many lands?

Re: Levels

PostPosted: Mon Nov 17, 2008 10:50 am
by Bigkahoonaberger
We were kind of hoping in the hundreds, but it really depends on how much mapmaking everybody does. the more people making levels (maps) the more there will be. Charlie Cat if you are who I think you are then I hereby nominate you to be a Creator and ask that the site admin release a copy of the map editor to you so you can begin creating cool looking leopard maps. haha

P.S. if you are not the person i think you are then I will have to talk to you some more before the above stated can happen.

Re: Levels

PostPosted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 12:11 pm
by MedicineStorm
As far as lands, I don't have an exaustive list but this is what I had in mind:

tropical islands
enchanted meadows
underwater civiliziations
floating palaces

Please, everyone list your ideas for types of lands etc.

Re: Levels

PostPosted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 1:11 pm
by MedicineStorm
CharlieCat, you have been invited to become a $2. (Yes, she is who Bigkahoonaburger suspected she is.)

As a formality:
You are known and trusted by several of the Developers. Can you faithfully create valued game content? If so, and provided no Developers object, you will be made a Creator and will be given access to the Map Editor and other related resources.

Re: Levels

PostPosted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 7:04 pm
by CharlieCat
YES! I accept!!!

Re: Levels

PostPosted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 7:08 pm
by Argitoth
Underwater Caverns
Ice lands (or grasslands during winter)
Tropical Deserts (Arizona-type)
Sahara-like desert with sand dunes
Landforms: Valleys, Mesas, Canyons, Dried up lake bed

I wonder how you'd create the illusion of a landform in a 2d world.

Re: Levels

PostPosted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 9:38 am
by MedicineStorm
wonder how you'd create the illusion of a landform in a 2d world.
Indeed, that is a challenge. classic 2D rpgs provide some excellent examples of how this can be accomplished, but the project is in need of additional sprite artists. If you are a sprite artist or know someone who is, let us know.

Cliff & prespective depth in 2D RPG Final Fantasy VI
FFVICliff.jpg (12.6 KiB) Viewed 36074 times
Canyon/Cliffs in 2D RPG Chrono Trigger
ChronoTriggerCanyon.png (108.24 KiB) Viewed 36074 times

Re: Levels

PostPosted: Wed Apr 02, 2014 3:18 am
by Wraeclast
This game is going to be enormous, I love it! So many cool ideas here :D
I have no further suggestions (Most of mine have been already suggested) but I'd be more than willing to help do sprites :D

Re: Levels

PostPosted: Sun Apr 13, 2014 12:01 pm
by CouncilOfElders
his game is going to be enormous, I love it! So many cool ideas here :D
I have no further suggestions (Most of mine have been already suggested) but I'd be more than willing to help do sprites :D

Congratulations, Wraeclast. You have been promoted to the rank of . You now have access to the as well as the appropriate areas of the . Some permissions are still being propagated.

If you have any questions, ask.

Re: Levels

PostPosted: Sun Apr 13, 2014 12:25 pm
by Wraeclast
Thank you everyone! I look forward to contributing a lot to this project! :D