Please ignore my above response. I was misunderstanding the cause of the black text. I thought it was that you chose black as your personal text color, but I wasn't seeing the problem because I usually use Internet Explorer.
I believe I have fixed the "black text on dark background" thing. It was a weird anomaly that shows up under the following conditions:
- You are using Mozilla, Firefox, or related browser.
- The URL ends with an anchor (example: the "#p1424" is an anchor for post number 1424)
Whatever post the URL is anchored to causes that post to ignore the default text color and use black instead.
Although this should be fixed I need to know if anyone else is still seeing this problem of black text. There should be NO BLACK TEXT in posts. so if you see some, let me know what the URL is that you saw it at, who you are logged in as, what browser you are using, and what OS version you are using.